Intelligence Agencies analyse huge amount of data to identify,
prevent and neutralise potential threats
Worldwide intelligence departments face great threats that become increasingly dangerous. The only way to succeed in this scenario is to use the right tools to decode the encrypted world and transform the multitude of collected data into useful and actionable intelligence.
The innovative communication monitoring solutions of IPS as the Social Networking Analysis, OSINT, Virtual Humint and Deep Packet Inspection are specially designed to offer a new level of intelligence capability, including active and passive systems on the network, as complement to traditional infrastructure and analysis tools for the lawful interception, which can even be integrated into existing monitoring centers.
The innovative communication monitoring solutions of IPS as the Social Networking Analysis, OSINT, Virtual Humint and Deep Packet Inspection are specially designed to offer a new level of intelligence capability, including active and passive systems on the network, as complement to traditional infrastructure and analysis tools for the lawful interception, which can even be integrated into existing monitoring centers.
IPS provides multiple solutions for Communication Intelligence needs, including:
- Monitoring Center for Lawful Interception - a convergent platform for a unified approach to LI and Cyber multimedia contents
- Social Media and Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) - the most performing platform to gather and analyse digital data from Social Media, Web, Dark Web, Forums and Closed Database
- Maritime Intelligence - a Multi-Sensor Fusion platform for strategic Maritime Intelligence
- IP Intelligence - a modular solution to accomplish all the LI needs on the network side
- Electronic Surveillance - The most complete Tactical & Surveillance system